Once launched, you can import your video and start editing it. Once finished, you can launch Windows Movie Maker.During installation, make sure to select Windows Movie Maker as the application to install.The installation process can be summarized as follows: We provide you with the Windows Essentials 2012 pack that includes several applications. If you install it on Windows 10, an error message may prompt at the end of the installation process, but don't worry, as it's a false positive and everything will work fine. How to install and use Windows Movie Maker? Huge format support: Windows Movie Maker supports almost all the formats you need so that you can import and export content seamlessly, including AIF, AIFC, ASF, MP2, MP3 and MPA for audio, BMP, DIB, EMF, GIF, JPE, JPEG, JPG, PNG and TIF for images, and ASF, AVI, M1V, MP2, MP2V, MPE, MPEG, MPG, WM and WMV for videos.In addition, you can directly share your content on all the social media platforms you want, like YouTube or Vimeo. Export and share: As it can take advantage of hardware acceleration, the exporting and encoding processes are sped up.And once you think it's good, you can still preview the final product before exporting it.

For example, you can split your video into various segments, trim the parts you don't want, adjust the audio levels on specific parts, add texts, effects and filters, and create smooth and personalized transitions throughout your video.